what the world needs now is love 2020, song to the siren (a fountain for the public space) 2020, electrolytes 2020,
alte meister 2019, zimmerbrunnen (knapp daneben) 2019, infrahuman 2019, together 2018, despicable 2018, young boy dancing group, poison 2017, beethoven/neunte 2017, messe de minuit 2016, l`eau des algues 2016, 666 (the group piece 2015), body+freedom 2015, gonzo 2015, 666 (renewed) 2015, silence=death 2014, 666 (ne me touche pas) 2014, 4YEO 2013, under the influence 2013, u betta cry 2013, Über die kosmische Bedeutung meiner inneren Zerrissenheit 2012,
portfolio // about // instagram // presspictures